Sunday, October 5, 2008


It's official! I have registered to vote in the State of Georgia. The last day to register is tomorrow, and luckily for me, I saw a table at the Old 4th Ward block party where they were signing people up. They also had free food, brisket, chicken wings and hotdogs, sponsored by Whole Foods. Yum!

So speaking of voting, today is the last day to vote on your favorite pair of my leaf earring designs. I will be selecting a winner tonight and will post it tomorrow. I hope everyone's having a great weekend! It's time for me to go back to my jewelry bench.


Hey Harriet said...

You have free food given out for registering to vote? How cool! Over here in Australia we don't have an option to vote. We HAVE to vote. If we don't we are fined. How lucky you are to have options & free food! It's great that you registered. It's important everyone has input I think. off to check out that giveaway I saw mentioned :)

10nekk@ said...

Yipee! This is going to be a great election year! Now off to vote on that giveaway of yours!

Kari said...

Those are very pretty earrings!

Kim Caro said...

yay for voting!